
We recently refreshed our institutional design palette with contemporary colors that reflect the energy and progressiveness of our campus and majors. At the core of this palette is our traditional institutional colors, but we also have new divisional colors that were carefully selected to yield a wide range of color combinations, which can produce harmonious, contrasting and even unexpected color pairings.

Our color palette plays an important role in establishing a consistent look throughout our communication materials. We use color liberally to add vibrancy and visual interest, from full-bleed pages to color bands, boxes and rules, even color-tinted photography and typography. Simply put, these colors play an essential role in how we represent the Champlain brand across our communication materials and media.

Institutional Colors

Our color palette consists of primary, secondary and tertiary colors. Please note that differences may exist in the appearance between PMS and hex values of these colors.

Primary Color

Champlain Blue
Pantone 302
CMYK: 100,77,39,28
RGB: 0,65,95
HEX: #003C5F

Secondary Colors

Midnight Sky Blue
Pantone 303
CMYK: 97,73,52,56
RGB: 0,42,59
HEX: #002A3B

Lake Champlain Blue
Pantone 307
CMYK: 77,36,31,2
RGB: 63,134,156
HEX: #3F869C

Adirondack Blue
Pantone Pro Process Blue PC
CMYK: 53,2,9,0
RGB: 109,200,224
HEX: #6DC8E0

Champlain Sky Blue
Pantone 305
CMYK: 35,0,6,0
RGB: 158,218,235

Tertiary Colors

Dark Brick
Pantone 181
CMYK: 31,87,78,34
RGB: 129,49,47
HEX: #81312F

Autumn Leaf
Pantone 180
CMYK: 18,91,87,7
RGB: 190,58,52
HEX: #BE3A34

Warm Brick
Pantone 1665
CMYK: 10,82,100,2
RGB: 217,79,0
HEX: #D94F00

Summer Sunset
Pantone 144
CMYK: 0,52,99,0
RGB: 247,144,29
HEX: #F7901D

Apiary Honey Gold
Pantone 143
CMYK: 4,30,80,0
RGB: 242,183,79
HEX: #F2B74F

Pantone 377
CMYK: 63,25,100,8
RGB: 107,143,0
HEX: #6B8F00

Pantone 553
CMYK: 80,48,78,53
RGB: 33,66,48
HEX: #214230

Web Only

Apiary Honey Gold - Dark
Pantone 4023
Hex: #DCBA50

Apiary Honey Gold - Light
Pantone 458
Hex: #EFD671

Usage and Rules

  • When possible, we suggest printing with solid Pantone colors. However, we realize this may incur a significant cost that is not always feasible to your budget and have provided alternative color formulas based off the Pantone Color Bridge conversions. Please note: There are several variables that can affect the final results of how our colors render, and when working with a print vendor it's perfectly normal to request that they try to match their output to the Pantone solid colors rather than using the CMYK formulas provided above.
  • Avoid using a screen or tint of our colors unless it is to tint photography, needed to lend visual hierarchy or indicate a change on the page. For example, a screened color may be used to create alternating table cells on a spreadsheet, or it may be used as the hover state for a button on a web page.
  • A majority Primary and Secondary color ratio should always be kept. Use the Primary and Secondary colors as dominant and the Tertiary to accent.