Creative Studio Portfolio
Creative Studio Experience students graduate with a portfolio of work that demonstrates they are Champlain Ready. The work is imaginative, collaborative, and interdisciplinary, just like it will be in the workforce.

Portfolio of Student Work

Edge Snowboards – Brand Collateral
A series of graphics created by Hannah Rein for a theoretical snowboard lifestyle brand.

2023 Film Capstone Reel
A collection of clips from all of the 2022-2023 Filmmaking Senior Capstones.

Camden’s Demo Reel
Game Art student Camden Emery’s animation demo reel.

GIRL – Poetic Story
A Professional Writing Capstone created by Birdie Bergeron titled GIRL: A Poetic History of the Beatles Through the Eyes of Jane, Mo, Patti, and Cyn.

Keeping the Farm Alive – Documentary
A documentary created by Champlain students exploring the challenges of running a Vermont dairy farm.

Destigmazine – Literary Magazine
A literary magazine created by four Writing & Publishing students with a theme centered around mental health.

Operation Penrose – Interactive Web Experience
Inspired by Sir Roger Penrose, a British mathematician, Creative Media student Ellie Newman showcased math and art being used in tandem in an interactive web experience.

Held&Heard – Brand Collateral
A brand package designed by Josh Vaus that features mobile app UI designs, business cards, social media posts, and other assets for a theoretical LGBTQIA+ dating app brand.

Steep Slope – Documentary
A documentary created by Champlain students describing the effects of climate change on the ski industry.

Samantha’s VFX Reel
Filmmaking student Samantha Simpson’s VFX reel.

Baskerville – Typographic Exercise
A typographic exercise designed by Ruby Singer, inspired by the classic serif typeface Baskerville.

Michael’s Demo Reel
Michael Aucella’s Animation demo reel.
More Inside Creative Studio Experience
Creative Studio Majors
Professional creatives do their best work in teams. Nine majors make up the Creative Studio Experience, in which you can work in a collaborative team, just like you will in your career.
Creative Studio Faculty
Creative Studio faculty are hands-on guides who use experiential learning opportunities and collaborative real-world projects to help students build a strong portfolio of work.
Creative Studio Portfolio
Creative Studio Experience students graduate with a portfolio of work that demonstrates they are Champlain Ready. The work is imaginative, collaborative, and interdisciplinary, just like it will be in the workforce.