Travel Agency

Direct Travel Company

19 Roosevelt Highway

Colchester, VT 05446

(802) 655-8866; (802) 245-8459


We strongly encourage booking flights in advance to maintain cost efficiency. Any flights exceeding $800 will require verification with the People Center and will only be approved under exceptional circumstances.

Booking Flights:

In most cases, it's simplest for the candidate to arrange their own travel.

To facilitate this process, please contact Direct Travel at [(802) 655-8866; (802) 245-8459] and provide pre-approval details. Prompt 2 is for domestic corporate travel, and prompt 3 is for international travel. Kindly supply the following information:

  • Traveler's name
  • Approximate travel dates and departure location
  • Your Pcard information
  • CC recipient at Champlain (usually the caller, but if different, please include their email)

You'll then provide the candidate with the travel agency's contact details and the information provided above.