Title IX Team
Meet the Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators!
The Role of the Title IX Coordinator
The Title IX Coordinator oversees the prompt investigation of complaints alleging sexual harassment; reviews findings as to whether sexual harassment occurred; reviews proposed remedies (including interim measures) necessary to address the sexual harassment, eliminate any hostile environment, and prevent its reoccurrence; and serves as consultant to any disciplinary hearing panel where sexual harassment has been determined to have occurred to ensure the Colleges compliance with Title IX.
Title IX Coordinator
The College has designated and authorized Cory Davis to serve as the College’s Title IX Coordinator, and to coordinate the College’s efforts to comply with Title IX. For general Title IX questions email titleix@champlain.edu.
When to contact the Title IX Coordinator
Please contact the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Coordinator, if you:
- Wish to understand your options, if you think you may have experienced sexual misconduct
- Learn of a situation that you feel may be a violation of the Sexual Misconduct Policy
- Need help on how to handle a situation by which you are indirectly affected
- Have questions about Champlain College’s policies and procedures
Title IX Coordinator Responbilities
The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for
- Educational Events: The development, scheduling, and implementation of events hosted by or supported by College leadership to raise awareness in the campus community about all forms of sex discrimination (including sexual harassment and sexual assault). These events also raise awareness about the College’s policies and procedures and reinforce to the College community that these topics are important to the College administration.
- Rights & Responsibilities Awareness: Providing information to students and employees regarding their Title IX rights and responsibilities, including information about the resources available on and off campus, the formal and informal complaint processes, the availability of interim measures, and the ability to file a complaint with local law enforcement and complaint with the College simultaneously.
- Title IX Training: The development, scheduling, and implementation of necessary periodic Title IX training for the College community, including students and employees.
- Review & Assessment: Periodic review and assessment of the Colleges Title IX policies and procedures to ensure that they are clear and consolidated to the maximum extent possible to provide an efficient resource for students, faculty, and staff.
- Annual Assessments: Coordinating the development and implementation of annual assessments (i.e. surveys) of campus climate with regard to sexual harassment and sexual violence.
Deputy Coordinators
The College also assigns Deputy Title IX Coordinators who serve as unbiased resources for involved parties, whether or not a complaint has been requested. Deputies can provide supportive measures, information related to the College’s resolution processes, the process of filing a complaint, and options to seek further support, regardless of a Complainant’s desire to make a complaint.
Title IX Team Trainings
How to Make a Report
To report sexual or gender-based discrimination, harassment, and misconduct, including sexual assault, non-consensual sexual contact, sexual exploitation, intimate partner violence, and stalking to the Title IX Coordinator, follow these links.
Learn About the Reporting Process
Make A ReportTitle IX Office
163 S Willard St.
Burlington, VT 05401
Office Hours
8:00 AM–4:30 PM
Contact Us
Additional Resources
The Counseling Center offers a variety of services and resources in Skiff Hall. Schedule an appointment or contact our 24/7 on-call counselor.
The Student Health Center is available to all degree-seeking students taking classes on campus. Get in contact with a health provider today!
Champlain is committed to providing the highest quality of wellbeing support to all students, from counseling and health services to fitness activities, academic support, and social engagement.