Champlain campus buildings along Maple Street in the fall

Staff Council

Staff Council represents the community of Champlain staff and we strive to advocate for all staff members. Our community is made up of many voices, and that is a source of strength.

Our purpose is to cultivate a thriving College community; support the strategic mission and vision of the College; advocate for the best interests of staff; and foster diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Areas of Focus

  • Recognition of Staff
  • Professional Development
  • Community
  • Strengthen Relationship with President’s Cabinet
  • Equity for Staff
  • Communication to Staff/from Staff

Top Ten Reasons to Get Involved in Staff Council

    1. You can really make a difference for all staff
    2. You get to work with fellow staff members from all areas of the college
    3. Because it really is FUN!
    4. It looks great on your LinkedIn profile
    5. You get to list your service on your annual Performance Evaluation (impressive!)
    6. You get your name listed on the Staff Council web page
    7. You are an advocate for the best interest of all staff members (no costume changes required)
    8. You will learn new skills or improve the ones you have
    9. You get to meet new people
    10. Gets you out of your office on a regular basis