Contact Collections Development
Know of a resource that should be part of our collection? Contact Jessica Allard, Head of Collection Development, with your requests.
Collection Development Policy
The Library has maintained a strong bond with the Champlain College faculty and has leveraged that relationship into building a responsive and relevant collection. The Head of Collection Development works closely with faculty members from all divisions to acquire materials that will enhance student learning and support curricular needs. Recommendations of titles that relate to a faculty member’s area of expertise and the College curriculum are appreciated.
Faculty can be alerted to new publications in book reviews such as Choice, or the Head of Collection Development will seek out their opinions on a title-by-title basis. In addition, the Head of Collection Development works with the faculty to review current holdings that support the curriculum and to generate lists of relevant resources for acquisition. Faculty members are encouraged to share their class assignments, ideas for new courses, and research needs and interests with the Head of Collection Development.
Because the Champlain curriculum is aimed at offering a “radically pragmatic career-focused education,” the role and input of practitioners is immensely valuable. Therefore, we seek out suggestions from staff in areas appropriate to the curriculum.
When possible we will also seek to build the collection to help the staff from various departments accomplish their roles more effectively. This can take the form of academic or professional literature.
Students are invited to make suggestions for the collection. Suggested resources will be acquired following the approval of the Head of Collection Development. Furthermore, the Library has activated trigger purchases in its ebook collection. When a student directly accesses an ebook, a purchase is triggered, guaranteeing that only those titles with usage are purchased.