Instructions for how to request academic accommodations are outlined below for both new and returning students.

Students with disabilities who have recently been admitted to Champlain College should complete the following steps to request academic accommodations. Requests for academic accommodations may be submitted past the deadline, if needed.

New Student Instructions

Returning Student Instructions

Returning students with disabilities should contact the Office of Accessibility each semester to request academic accommodations for their classes. Here is how the process works:

  1. Students respond to an email from the Office of Accessibility.
  2. Students may approve accommodations digitally (via email or form response) or request a meeting to discuss their accommodations.
  3. A letter of accommodation is sent to the student’s instructors. Students should arrange to meet with their instructors to discuss their accommodations.

Note that academic accommodations need to be requested and approved each semester.

If you are a returning student who has not previously requested academic accommodations, follow the New Student Instructions above.

Need to Change a Current Accommodation?

If you are a current or returning student requesting new or additional accommodations, please make an appointment to meet with a member of the Office of Accessibility.

Contact Us

Making Requests in a Timely Manner

Advanced planning is needed to ensure the timely provision of appropriate accommodations. No student will be excluded from a program due to lack of appropriate services; however, all services may not be available at all times. For this reason, it is important to allow sufficient time for a program and/or the College to put into place the needed accommodations of auxiliary services.

If a request is submitted after the deadline, we will make every reasonable effort to accommodate the request but cannot guarantee that an untimely request can be met. Ultimately, requests may result in delay, substitutions, or denial of accommodation or service.

Testing Accommodations for Students

Testing accommodations are available to qualified students through the Office of Accessibility.

student working from home

Students must speak with their instructor(s) about their testing accommodations at least five (5) business days before the test date and determine if they will take the test in the classroom, or if they will take it in the quiet testing space, located in Miller Information Commons (Library), Room 211. Students may also choose not to use their testing accommodation for a particular test or quiz.

Please review the information provided here to learn more about the process.

  • The student is responsible for requesting a testing space no later than five (5) business days in advance of the test. The student must also inform the course instructor that they will be taking the test outside of the classroom. Please email to arrange for the use of the space.

    In your email, please also copy your instructor and include the following information:

    1. Test date and time
    2. Class (e.g. COR 102) and instructor name
    3. How long does the class have to take the exam?
    4. Will the exam be given online? If so, where is the class expected to be during the exam?
  • The Testing Center is located at Miller Information Commons (Library), Room 211. Students must check in here 10 minutes before the test begins.

    Tests are administered Monday through Friday beginning at 8:00 AM, with the last test given at 2:00 PM (the office closes at 4:30 PM).

    Tests may be scheduled during the class time (assuming class begins by 2:30 PM), or they may be taken at another point during the day, if agreed upon by the instructor.

    Final exam scheduling may require alternative testing times in order to accommodate exams that are scheduled for 3 or more hours.

  • The student must bring all necessary supplies (pen, pencil, paper, calculator, etc.) as required to complete the test. If allowed, a simple calculator and a computer with word processing capability only, are available. The student will be asked to leave their backpack/personal belongings, including cell phone, upon check-in and can retrieve it at check-out.

    Students are prohibited from communicating with other students who are also taking a test in the quiet testing space.

Testing Information for Instructors

  • Student and faculty working on a computer in a classroom
    First, please read the above information for students.

    It is the student’s responsibility to inform their instructor(s) that they will be using their testing accommodations on a test or quiz. Students may choose not to use their testing accommodation for a particular test or quiz. Extended time tests or quizzes may be administered in the classroom if a student does not require a quiet testing space, and if the instructor is willing/able to arrive early or stay late to administer the test. Otherwise the student will take the test in the quiet testing space in Miller Information Commons (Library), Room 211.

    Upon receiving a student request to take a test or quiz with the Office of Accessibility, instructors will be asked to complete the Testing Accommodations Instructor Form. The form should be completed no later than 4 PM one (1) business day before the scheduled test or quiz.

Office of Accessibility

Miller Information Commons, 2nd Floor
95 Summit Street

Mailing Address:
375 Maple Street
Burlington, VT 05401
Monday – Friday
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Fax Number: (802) 860-2764