The Sarah Ramsey Startup Flight Fund is an investment fund that supports entrepreneurial ventures for Champlain College students in the Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship. It is intended to empower students with opportunities that move their ideas into action and to ensure that student innovations do not go unfunded due to capital constraints.

  • Criteria
    • Request clearly outlines why funding is needed and how it will be used
    • Request demonstrates commitment to business idea
    • Alternative means of funding business idea have been investigated to supplement this funding
    • Amount requested will have a tangible impact on the student’s business
    • Request is thoughtful and well-written
  • Fund Management

    Functioning as an independent fiscal entity, any funding that is not used during an academic year will remain in the fund to be used in future years. The fund is managed by a committee, including:

    • Academic Leadership from at least one Division on campus
    • Representative of Advancement Office
    • Director of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    • At least one other faculty member
    • At least two students (Sarah Ramsey Fellows)
female students meet in the sarah ramsey lab

For more information, or if you have any questions regarding The Sarah Ramsey Startup Flight Fund or the application process, please contact the Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship.

Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Basement, Ireland
Please email us to coordinate a date and time.