Staff Council represents the community of Champlain staff and we strive to advocate for all staff members. Our community is made up of many voices, and that is a source of strength.
Our purpose is to cultivate a thriving College community; support the strategic mission and vision of the College; advocate for the best interests of staff; and foster diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Areas of Focus
- Recognition of Staff
- Professional Development
- Community
- Strengthen Relationship with President’s Cabinet
- Equity for Staff
- Communication to Staff/from Staff
Top Ten Reasons to Get Involved in Staff Council
- You can really make a difference for all staff
- You get to work with fellow staff members from all areas of the college
- Because it really is FUN!
- It looks great on your LinkedIn profile
- You get to list your service on your annual Performance Evaluation (impressive!)
- You get your name listed on the Staff Council web page
- You are an advocate for the best interest of all staff members (no costume changes required)
- You will learn new skills or improve the ones you have
- You get to meet new people
- Gets you out of your office on a regular basis