Housing selection dates for 194 St. Paul:

Date Info
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 194 St. Paul Application LIVE on THD & 194 St. Paul Roommate Matching Process LIVE on THD
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 194 St. Paul Applications DUE & Roommate Matching must be complete
Wednesday, February 5, 2025 194 St. Paul Same Room Renewal (Homestead) Housing Selection: Choose your room again (current 194 residents only)
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 General 194 St. Paul Housing Selection: For current 194 residents who did not participate in Same Room Renewal Housing Selection and for new residents trying to live in 194 St. Paul for the upcoming year

Please note that the 194 St. Paul housing agreement term is 11 months, beginning early June and ending early May. Find more information about housing at 194 St. Paul Street.

Housing selection dates for Main Campus:

Date Info
Friday, February 28, 2025 Housing Accommodations Forms DUE
Monday, March 3, 2025 Main Campus Housing Application LIVE on THD
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 Roommate Roundup Mixer – Meet Potential Roommates
Monday, March 24, 2025 Main Campus Housing Application DUE by 11:59 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 Upper-Year Hall Tours
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 Housing Selection Time Blocks Announced on THD
Wednesday, April 9, 2025 Main Campus Housing Selection

Are you an incoming student?

Admitted and transfer students complete a separate housing application process from the one mentioned above.

Housing Selection for New Students

Main Campus Housing Selection Process

Follow the steps outlined in this guide to help navigate your way to housing for the upcoming school year.

A photo of Butler hall during the daytimeThe housing selection process takes place in The Housing Director (THD). You can sign in to THD from the Champlain Current Students portal. All students who apply for housing by the deadline will receive a housing selection time block. The time block will be posted to your homepage on THD.

  • Using your Champlain credentials, log in to The Housing Director (THD).

    At the top of the screen, select the Application Tab and a view of available applications will display. Select the Main Campus Housing Application for the semester you are applying for, complete and submit that application Students who do not fill this out before the deadline cannot participate in the Housing Selection process and will not be able to be part of a roommate group to sign up for a room or suite. They will be placed in housing later as space allows, with no guarantee to be part of their roommate group.

  • NOTE: We highly recommend you complete this step prior to the beginning of a Time Block to maximize efficiency.

    Students may form roommate groups based on who they would like to live with. Every individual must confirm each other as roommate(s).

    To do this, each person in the group must first submit an application. Then find and request each other on THD by clicking on Room Selection / Select Roommates, and select “For the term” as the upcoming fall semester. You may search for a specific person, or you may search for a roommate based on similar lifestyle choices or preferences and contact them before requesting to be matched.

    Be sure you get fully matched: If you request someone, that person must then approve your request by clicking the “match” icon. Both of you will then see you are fully matched. If the other person does nothing, you are not a fully matched group. You may do this with up to 4 people in your group (the largest suite houses 4 people).

    If a student does not have a desired roommate, they do not need to complete this step and may sign up as an individual.

    Find more info about roommate groups below.

  • You will receive a Time Block on THD for the specific window of time during which you may log in and choose your room. Log in to THD before your time block so you are ready as soon as your window opens. The best selection will be available early!

    THD will display a real-time list of every room option available for each selection process. To see a list of available rooms for a specific selection window, click on the selection time and you will see a list of the rooms for which you are eligible. The number of spaces still available in each room will be displayed.

    If you are in a roommate group, each person in a group has a time, but the person with the earliest time should log in and choose the room or suite for the group. Be sure to talk to each other in advance. The person choosing the room must place their matched roommates into each bed space.

    Be sure your group size matches the room size you want to select, as students will only be able to see rooms that the roommate group can occupy. For example, a triple group will not be able to see or search for double rooms.

    Students sign up for a specific room—however, due to the consolidation policy, you may receive the same room type but not the exact same room number. (For example, if you sign up for a double in Valcour, you’ll remain in a double in Valcour, even if it’s a different-numbered room). Once a room is selected, it cannot be changed.

    Once the desired room is selected, click on “Select Room.” A screen with the beds available as well as the housing contract will display. Note that the specific bed number inside the room does not matter.

    Once you have read through the contract, click on the “I Agree” button at the bottom to reserve the room.

    And then, that’s it! Your housing selection process is now complete!

    Find more info about time blocks below.

Additional Time Block Information

Time Blocks are assigned only to students who have applied for housing by the application deadline, and they start and end at specific times. Time Blocks are assigned based upon the number of completed credits earned toward graduation. The more credits, the earlier the Time Block starts. For example, rising seniors receive the earliest Time Blocks, followed by rising juniors, and then rising sophomores. Please rectify any credit discrepancies with the Registrar’s Office prior to the application deadline.

Remember: Only one student in a roommate group will sign up for the entire group. If you know in advance that you will not be able to log in during your Time Block, one of your roommates should choose the room for you.

If you are not part of a roommate group and will not be able to log in during your time block, please contact Housing and Residential Life. Do not give your password or login credentials to anyone for any reason.

Additional Roommate Group Information

Prior to Housing Selection: 

  • Students who wish to live together should each complete a housing application.
  • Form the roommate group on The Housing Director (all students in that group must select each roommate request).
  • Identify the best housing option for the group (e.g. double, triple, quad).
  • Come up with a back-up plan in the event of unavailability.

During Housing Selection:

  • One designated member of the student group (ideally the person with the earliest time block) should sign on to The Housing Director to sign up for a room or suite on behalf of the whole group.
  • Should a large-enough room or suite not be available at the time of selection, students may need to readjust the roommate group to sign up for a different room that will accommodate that group. For instance, should a group of three attempt to sign up for a triple room and all triple rooms have been assigned, that roommate group will need to either reduce the size of the group to be able to search for double rooms or they can search for rooms or suites of a larger size. A triple group will not be able to search for a double room as its numbers exceed the capacity of that space.
  • Keep in mind that the time blocks are very close together so any delays to making selections, will result in reduced options as others make their room selections.

Consolidation Policy: An Individual Bed in Multi-Person Room

In order to create more open spaces for returning residents who want to live with a friend, as well as for first-year and transfer students, Housing and Residential Life has established a Consolidation Policy. During the Housing Selection process, a student who signs up for a room where one or more spaces remain open is subject to consolidation within the same building to a room with the same or lower occupancy.

For example, if a double room in a building only has one resident, and a triple down the hall only has one resident, Housing and Residential Life reserves the right to move the lone student in the triple to the double room. In the case where both rooms in question have the same potential occupancy (e.g. 2 quads with 2 people each) then the room of the resident holding the highest priority number will be where all 4 students are consolidated. Additionally, if fewer students sign up for a larger occupancy room (e.g. 2 students in a triple) they may be moved to a smaller occupancy room in the same building in order to make space for a student group of a larger size.

Housing and Residential Life will not move students from their building to a room with a higher occupancy in order to consolidate. This process will happen throughout housing selection to create open spaces so that confirmed roommate groups during different time blocks will have options available to them. Housing and Residential Life reserves the right to consolidate students under these terms up until the time that a student moves into their room in the fall.

Waitlist: Heads Up!

Every year, we have a waitlist following Housing Selection. We anticipate a certain amount of attrition amongst students who sign up for housing and we will do our best to assign all students who request housing. This process will occur throughout the summer. Additionally, we will do everything we can to honor any roommate requests as we are able.

Office of Housing & Residential Life

Skiff Hall
163 S Willard St.
Burlington, VT 05401
8:00 AM–12 PM
1:00–4:30 PM