Aerial sunny photo from the library of campus with students walking around

Office of Finance & Administration

Finance & Administration oversees the fiscal needs of the college and supports our mission through the allocation of resources.

The Office of Finance & Administration oversees the fiscal needs of the college. The office is responsible for providing financial information for internal and external use as well as managing forms and applications, the grant application process and responsibilities, contracts and risk management, purchasing cards, and related policies/forms.

Finance Knowledge Base Website

For step-by-step guides on Oracle processes, please reference the GMHEC (Green Mountain Higher Education Consortium) Finance Knowledge Base Website.

Continue to GMHEC

Purchasing Card

If you anticipate needing to make numerous purchases on behalf of Champlain College, please consult your supervisor to understand if you are a candidate for ordering a purchasing card. To request a purchasing card, please fill out the purchasing card application.

Any questions that you may have surrounding purchasing cards should be directed to:


Cardholders only have 60 days to dispute charges.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, see below for Preferred Purchasing Sources:

    • Business Cards, Stationary, and Professional Campus Mailings: Please partner with the Marketing department.
    • Catering: Sodexo is our contracted on-campus caterer. When weighing the value of the $20 delivery fee, remember to factor in your time and resources to order, pick-up, set-up, and clean-up for an event.
    • Furniture: Partner with Campus Planning/Physical Plant before making a furniture purchase. Physical Plant may already have what you need and Campus Planning may have a resource or a contract that can save you money.
    • Office Supplies: The Green Mountain Higher Education Consortium (GMHEC) has contracted with WB Mason for office supply purchases within our institutions. W. B. Mason provides the lowest market basket pricing on products we order and offers a paid internship to one student for each school per year. The overall service and ease of website use were additional factors in our consideration. Contact for specific WB Mason account questions. Recycled content copy paper is listed as our preferred copy paper, as it supports Champlain’s economic and environmental goals.
    • Photocopiers and Printers: The College is under a managed printing contract with SymQuest administered by the IS Department. All printer and copier needs must be vetted with the IS Department.
    • Technology: Partner with the IS Department when purchasing college-owned equipment (including computers and peripherals), and software. IS has agreements with numerous vendors which provide additional cost savings and may already have licenses for the product you are seeking. The expense policy aligns with the College’s Managed Print Services Provider Program.
  • For questions regarding your P-card, please contact Lost cards should be reported to JP Morgan at 800-270-7760.

  • In order to receive approval to submit a travel advance, please submit your request to A travel advance may be approved on a limited basis and require a two week processing time.

  • A journal entry is used to correct a transaction that was posted incorrectly to a budget, or to “Pay” another department for services. A budget transfer moves funds between a department’s budget lines. Email for journal entry requests and for budget transfers.

  • Champlain College is exempt from paying sales tax in the state of Vermont. You will need to present the sales tax exemption form at the time of purchase for the tax exemption to be allowed. You can obtain the form here.

Office of Finance & Administration

Lakeside Campus, 3rd Floor
175 Lakeside Ave, Burlington, VT 05401
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM