Kimberly Quinnsmith
Kimberly Quinnsmith
Affiliated with Psychology

Kimberly Quinnsmith is about as passionate about life as any college Professor you'll meet! Students tell us it vibrates off her while she's teaching and that you can't help but get inspired in her classes. It's her long fascination for understanding connections between the mind and the body that inspires her scholarly interests.

Besides teaching, she worked for many years treating people with addictions as well as a family therapist. She has published three books and three documentary films on topics relating to media psychology and gender development.

When asked about her teaching she told us that: "my purpose is to be an instrument of learning to my students, to help them explore themselves and those around them as well as to personalize what we do in the classroom... For me, the most rewarding thing about teaching at Champlain is seeing the enthusiasm in a student's eyes during a dynamic class discussion... Champlain is a 'think outside the box' kind of campus which encourages the freedom of creative expression for the students and professors... A new student in my class would notice the dynamic energy in the room. My teaching is expressive and there is no telling where our conversations may go. The students who do best in my classes are those who let go of preconceived, conventional notions of what it means to sit in a classroom and learn, and instead, let their guards down, open their minds, and dare to be who they 'truly' are."

When not teaching, Kimberly is a bit of an adrenaline junkie, an active downhill skier with a taste for parasailing, white-water rafting, and she is hoping to skydive soon! You may meet her in an Introduction to Psychology or Cognitive Psychology class.