Your Champlain College financial aid will follow you to all of our most popular semester programs. Incredibly, studying abroad can sometimes be less expensive than studying in Burlington! Talk to us if you have questions about financial aid and scholarships.

Study Abroad & Financial Aid

Once you are accepted to the Champlain Abroad program, you will qualify for an adjustment to your financial aid package that will meet your semester abroad costs. The adjustment will reflect the cost of participating in a program abroad and excludes work-study, which cannot be transferred to either international program.

Increases in financial aid needs will most likely be provided through increased loan amounts. Your needs will change regardless of the type of program that you do; however, who will provide that aid changes based on the program.

Information about 3rd-party study abroad fees

an abroad student in morocco, wearing a head covering while walking with camels in the desert

Financial Aid for Different Types of Programs

Montreal and Dublin:

  • Students receive their institutional financial aid from Champlain College.
  • In Montreal and Dublin, payments and timelines will look the same.

Summer Programs:

  • Summer programs are often less expensive than semester programs, and are not typically covered by most financial aid.
  • Pell Grant students can sometimes get some Pell Grant funds.
  • Financial aid loans are possible as well.

Third-Party Programs:

  • Third-party programs are not eligible for institutional financial aid.
  • Champlain does process federal and external aid for students to use while on third-party programs.
  • Champlain students keep their aid packages when they return to Burlington after studying abroad as they stay enrolled through the payment of a &750 study abroad fee.
  • Third-Party Programs often have their own scholarships. Students are encouraged to investigate those.

Champlain Study Abroad Scholarships & Grants

  • This generous grant from the Freeman Foundation helps fund Champlain students as they pursue International Internships in Asia during the summer. Students travel to Asia in cohorts and take part in a program which goes beyond the internship itself.

    Learn About the Freeman Foundation Grant

  • The Sarah E. Ramsey ’12 Scholarship is awarded annually to a rising sophomore or current junior student who exemplifies Sarah’s qualities, including her drive, determination, passion for their profession, creative and critical thinking, individuality, and thirst to experience all life has to offer.

    Students who have demonstrated strong academic performance should consider applying for this scholarship to expand their professional and international experiences through study abroad or an overseas internship program.

    Learn About the Sarah Ramsey Scholarship

  • Students with financial concerns should talk to us as soon as possible so that we can brainstorm on solutions. For example, did you know that you can be an RA in Montreal and Dublin?

  • Different types of programs have different costs and different financial aid available.

    Use our Study Abroad Finance Template to compare different types of semester programs.

Have questions?

Champlain Abroad Office
200 Skiff Hall (the middle staircase above counseling)

Martha Moreno Linares
Study Abroad Coordinator

Non-Champlain Students and Financial Aid

Non-Champlain students who are accepted to the Champlain Abroad Program in Montreal or Dublin and who are seeking student loans and federal or state grants while studying abroad with Champlain Abroad must visit the study abroad and financial aid offices at their home institution to ask to have a consortium agreement established with the Champlain College Office of Financial Aid. This allows the home institution to process federal aid and transfer it to Champlain Abroad for a semester or year abroad. Your home institution’s financial aid office should contact the Champlain College Office of Financial Aid to process this request. Please allow 2-4 weeks for processing.

Note: You are responsible for knowing and adhering to the deadlines for applying for financial aid for your home institution.

Champlain Abroad

Skiff Hall, Suite 200
163 S Willard St, Burlington, VT 05401

*Virtual during the summer and breaks
Monday – Friday
11:00 AM – 4:00 PM