Faculty Member Business Administration Major 
Champlain College Online 
Human Resource Management Minor 
Pronouns She/Her/Hers
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Sajel is a globally recognized as a #Humanizer, Psychotherapist, and champion of high-quality human LIFE experiences. With a deep passion for the behavioral neurosciences and a knack for making the tough stuff not just palatable, but transformative, Sajel has become a respected authority in high-pressure sectors like public safety, emergency services, first responders, military, healthcare, education and even the intense world of professional sports. She has been awarded the King Charles III Coronation Medal having made a significant contribution to Canada and attained an outstanding achievement abroad that brings credit to Canada.

But don’t let the serious work fool you—Sajel is all about finding the possibilities in every challenge. She helps people move from Pain to Possibilities™ by embracing the full spectrum of LIFE’s experiences and tackle our #1 human affliction: Toxic Thinking. She is not afraid to take on the big, uncomfortable topics that others might shy away from. Whether she’s sharing on her PainToPossibilities™ Substack or on other media outlets, Sajel brings the conversation to the mainstream with wit, wisdom, and a whole lot of heart.

Sajel’s expertise isn’t just talk—she’s developed and delivered programs at world-class institutions and government agencies across Canada, the U.S., the U.K and Australia. In fact, she is behind Canada’s first positive psychology and positive education certificate programs. Her true superpower? Creating spaces where people can redefine their work-life experiences, reconnect in their relationships, and rethink the #toxicthinking, #toxicthoughts and #stigmas that society has conditioned us to accept, be defined and confined by.

Her talks are a powerful mix of science and storytelling that keep audiences on the edge of their seats, challenging the #statusquo and inspiring real, life-changing action. Sajel doesn’t just speak to an audience—she engages, educates, and empowers them to break free from the learned thoughts and perceptions that have defined and confined them, opening up a world of new perspectives and possibilities. If you’re looking for someone to shake things up and bring fresh, empowering insights to your organization, Sajel Bellon is the person you want in your corner.

Learn more at www.SajelBellon.com or www.MindArmour.ca.

Distinctions & Awards

King Charles III Coronation Medal

Publications & Abstracts


Curriculum Vitae

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Work Samples

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By addressing the true root cause, we make all our interconnected issues and associated problems irrelevant. Humanize our world by tackling toxic thinking!
Sajel Bellon
Sajel Bellon, Adjunct Faculty

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