Community Message: Addressing Racist Violence and Community Resources
The below message was emailed to students, as well as faculty and staff, from the Division of Student Affairs, Diversity, and Inclusion on Wednesday, June 3.
Dear Champlain students,
As we are continuing to work to craft a successful student experience this fall in a world deeply impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Division of Student Affairs, Diversity and Inclusion (SADI) is acutely aware of the additional national crisis that is threatening the lives and well-being of many in our communities —racism, bigotry, and racist violence.
George Floyd. Breonna Taylor. Tony McDade. Ahmaud Arbery. David McAtee. We mourn the loss of these individuals and the many others who have been killed as a result of anti-black attitudes and racist systems that both perpetrate and perpetuate racist violence. We want you to know that we unequivocally condemn white supremacy, anti-black attitudes, and racism in all forms. We stand in solidarity with those advocating for racial justice and a world free from violence and discrimination.
We are particularly thinking about our Black students who have been personally affected by these senseless deaths. We recognize each of you may have different needs and concerns regarding recent events. In the upcoming weeks, members of our Student Affairs, Diversity and Inclusion (SADI) teams will be reaching out to impacted students and we will work with students, faculty, and staff to coordinate resources and opportunities for reflection and community, wherever helpful.
In the meantime, please check your email for a message titled, “A time to lead from where you are,” from Incoming President Dr. Benjamin Ola Akande. While we may be physically distant during this time, you are not alone. Please seek support and encourage those who are impacted to reach out if they wish to speak to someone.
On-campus students can contact the Counseling Center to make an appointment or access the On-Call Counselor that is available 24 hours a day by calling (802) 865-5745. You can also reach out to staff in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion by emailing
Champlain Online students can access wellness resources available through their employer EAP programs or through the 211 service ( You can also reach out to your advisor or instructor, especially if you feel your academic progress in class is being impacted.
If you or someone you care about needs support, please consider the following national resources:
- National Crisis Text Line US and Canada: Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor. Free 24/7 support at your fingertips.
- Black Mental Wellness Resources
- Black Mental Wellness
- Discussing Mental Illness Stigma Among People of Color (Website created in 2019 by Champlain College alumnus, Anthony Mahon ’19)
- Inclusive Therapists
- QTIBIPoC Healing Space
- QTPOC Mental Health Practitioner Directory
- Therapy for Black Girls
- Therapy for Black Men
- The Nap Ministry
- The Safe Place free app (available on iOS and Android)
- Racial Justice Resources
- Global and local chapters:
In Solidarity,
Angela E. Batista, Ed.D.
Vice President of Student Affairs and Institutional Diversity & Inclusion
Reese C. Kelly, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs, Equity & Inclusion
Susan Waryck, Ed.D.
Dean of Students
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