Faculty Member Core Division 
Pronouns He/Him/His
Areas of Expertise
  • Ecology, Environmental Science
  • Climate Change, Sustainability


Fred’s academic background is in the biological/ecological sciences and the environmental studies realm. He has an undergraduate degree in Biology from Williams College, has studied Ecology at the graduate level at Dartmouth College, and has a Masters degree in environmental law and policy from the Environmental Law Center of Vermont Law School.

For the past four decades he has been involved in the environmental arena as a Board member of groups such as Vermont Earth Institute, the Vermont Public Interest Research Group, 350vermont.org, and the Voice of the Potash Brook Watershed. He has written columns on nature and the environment for the Vermont Times, The Other Paper in South Burlington, and the Saint Albans Messenger. He is currently a member of the South Burlington Energy Committee. Fred has taught at Community College of Vermont since 1983, and has joined Champlain College as an adjunct in 2023.

Recommended Reading, Listening & Viewing

  • Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
  • Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
  • The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson

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Kelly Bowen
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Kristian Brevik
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Ciaran Buckley
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Ariel Burgess
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Veruska Cantelli
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Weiling Deng
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Jeffrey Haig
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Miriam Horne
Amy Howe
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Erik Kaarla
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Michael Lange
Robert Mayer
Craig Pepin
Professor, David F. Finney Chair for the Future of Professional Education
Flavio Rizzo
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Frank Robinson
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David Rous
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Gary Scudder
Erik Shonstrom
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Adam VanSertima
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Stephen Wehmeyer
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Kristin Wolf
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Katheryn Wright
Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies and Digital Humanities; Director of Study Abroad
Faith Yacubian
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Amanda Young
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