Champlain College gets its energy from the Burlington Electric Department which has provided the city with 100% renewable energy since 2014, but we don’t stop there!
Educational Programming
We track our electricity and natural gas usage for each building on campus. This allows us to compare between buildings, fiscal years, and habitants. We are also able to see how successful our efficiency changes are!
Each year, we host a sustainability challenge called the Green Up Challenge where students can complete a daily challenge to earn points. Taking the successes we saw when the Kill-a-Watt Challenge was around, we also give residential halls points for reducing their overall energy use with tips like washing clothing on cold, taking shorter showers, unplugging cords not in use, and turning off lights.

Renewable Energy
- Geothermal heating and cooling in the following buildings: Perry, Butler, Valcour, Juniper, Bader, Whiting, CCM, and McDonald. Listed as an example in the NWF Guide, Going Underground on Campus
- 40,000-watt solar array installed on the Miller Center at Lakeside roof in 2011
- 119,000-watt solar array installed on 194 St. Paul Street apartments in 2018

- Digital carbon monoxide monitor sensors for residential life student safety
- Variable frequency drives on large mechanical systems for electrical savings
- Residential Life policy about unplugging appliances during break times
- Increased use of motion sensor lighting and LED lights
- EPEAT Bronze or higher computers and monitors.

Heating & Cooling
- Green roofs at IDX Center and Perry Hall ease storm water runoff and regulate interior temperatures
- Automated classroom controls for class scheduling
- Digital control scheduling for administrative offices
- Holiday mode controls for administrative buildings
- CO2 sensors in large spaces for temperature controls
- Ice storage tank that builds ice for cooling during off-peak hours and rates
- Elimination of ethylene glycol in cooling systems
- Night purge of academic buildings for reduced nighttime cooling
- Heat capture system on IDX dishwasher
Did you know?
The Green roofs on IDX Center and Perry Hall ease storm water runoff and regulate interior temperatures!
Get Involved in Saving Energy
Energy Vampires
Turn off lights, electronics and appliances when they are not being used or if you leave the room for more than 5 minutes.
Many appliances (TV, DVD, game consoles, stereos) and chargers use power even when they are not being used. To stop these appliances and chargers from stealing energy, plug them into a power strip and turn it off when not in use.
Right Out the Window
DON’T open windows and doors to the outside in heated or air-conditioned rooms. DO put in a Facilities Request work order if you have a heating or cooling problem. For heating, set your thermostat to 68 or below to conserve energy.
Facilities Request -
LEDs Over Incandescent
Use LED bulbs in place of incandescent bulbs. LEDs use up to 75% less energy and last 10 times longer. During the day take advantage of natural sunlight.
Give It a Break
Unplug and defrost your fridge when leaving for an extended period of time such as winter break or spring break. Be sure to leave the door open so mold doesn’t form inside.