Champlain graduate, Cory Erk, standing in front of NBC studios in New York City.

InSight Program

Discover You at Your Best

At Champlain College, your future is not left up to chance. From the moment you arrive on campus, your personal and professional goals are our number one focus. And though college may be known as "the best years of your life," we're committed to setting you up for even better years ahead.

The InSight program ensures that all Champlain College students graduate with the tools to take ownership of their career, finances, and self-care. A requirement for graduation, InSight is a four-year program that consists of three themes — Wellbeing, Personal Finance, and Career — which supplement your academics and introduce you to financial literacy, coping skills, and career development by way of workshops, seminars, field experiences, and coaching sessions.

During your four years at Champlain, InSight will make sure you:

  • articulate your personal value proposition
  • develop essential skills in personal finance
  • strengthen your coping skills, adaptability, and overall sense of confidence
  • create a student loan repayment plan before you graduate
  • become equipped to successfully transition straight from college into your future career
  • apply skills and competences to maintain optimism and awareness rather than anxiety and depression

How does it work?

Each semester, you will complete milestones by certain due dates. You'll need to have all your milestones completed by their due dates before you can register for the next semester's courses.