Timothy Wedge
Faculty Member |
Champlain College Online
Pronouns | He/Him/His |
Education | American Military University, Master of Arts; National University, Bachelor of Science in Computer |
Areas of Expertise |
Currently an Associate Professor of Practice at Defiance College and adjunct faculty at Champlain College, Tim Wedge has been working in the field of information technology for more than 30 years, and has been in the field of computer forensics / high tech crime for more than 20 years. His non-fiction articles and papers have been published in “The Informant,” “DFI News,” and “The Journal of Digital Forensic Science and Law.” His poems and short stories have been published in “Progeny,” “Nascence: The 2014 Word Branch Publishing Science Fiction Anthology” and “Moments, Moods, and Memories.” He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science (summa cum laude) and a Master’s in Criminal Justice.
After retiring from the U.S. Navy in 2001, he was a computer crime specialist at the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) for more than 8 years, during which he developed and delivered more than a dozen basic, intermediate and advanced courses in computer forensics and online investigation, and taught more than three thousand law enforcement officers. Through NW3C’s partnership with Purdue University, he was also visiting faculty at Purdue University from 2005 to 2009, teaching several computer forensics courses, and collaborating with Purdue faculty on several computer forensic research projects. He also conducted computer forensic examinations for U.S. Military Intelligence, where he encountered instances of human trafficking. This resulted in a profound shift in his career goals to direct his talents to the fight against human trafficking. He has been invited to present on the subject in a variety of forums in such diverse places as Fairmont, West Virginia, and Doha, Qatar. He currently teaches Digital Forensic Science at Defiance College, in Ohio, where he is the program manager for the DCs DFS program, and online courses in Digital Forensic Science for Champlain College, and University of California, Irvine. When not actually teaching, or pursuing research opportunities to develop new methods for detecting and investigating human trafficking cases, he is working on short stories, and his upcoming novel, “Marti Martinez and the Fishbowl Girls.”